Scout-led solutions to unemployment and illegal migration in Guinea

3 minutes
Widespread unemployment in Guinea, particularly among young people and women, has led to a worrying rise in illegal migration spurred by hopes of better job prospects and futures abroad. In response, Scouts in Guinea launched an initiative to address these challenge using entrepreneurship to equip young people with the skills and resources needed to thrive in the local workforce and create their own income-generating opportunities. 
In July 2023, Scouts put their project into action with a series of workshops to empower 200 young people and women with leadership and entrepreneurship skills, focusing on agribusiness. In addition to business training, the project established four agricultural cooperatives to provide sustainable employment opportunities for the participants by focusing on the cultivation and the sale of four staple crops: corn, okra, aubergine, and chilli. 
Scout-led solutions to unemployment and illegal migration in Guinea
World Scouting/Guinea
Training offered covered topics to address unemployment, included entrepreneurship, networking, financial literacy, savings, project setup, agriculture techniques, and agribusiness. Addressing illegal migration, Scouts ran an awareness-raising campaign and advocacy workshop focusing on human rights and the dangers of illegal immigration that reached 2,000 young people and adults. 
“The successful training helped us to be autonomous, develop economic cooperatives, and serve as volunteer facilitators in our communities. Through this, we were able to promote entrepreneurship, help to end illegal immigration, and create economic opportunities when we empower youth,” said Christophe Sanduono, a Scout and project coordinator for the initiative, who is also a beneficiary of the project. 
Scouts worked in close collaboration with local authorities to facilitate the training for 200 participants, and establish agriculture cooperatives on eight hectares of land. Throughout the development and implementation of the project, Scouts developed strategies that incorporated the perspectives young people to ensure their safety and protection throughout the project.
Scout-led solutions to unemployment and illegal migration in Guinea
World Scouting/Guinea
“I learned a lot about teamwork, developing an entrepreneurial spirit, and about all the dangers and risks involved in illegal immigration,” said Christophe.
The Scout-led initiative in Guinea exemplifies the transformative impact of youth-led entrepreneurship in addressing social challenges. By equipping young people with essential skills and fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship, the project not only combats unemployment, but also promotes economic empowerment and leads to stronger social cohesion in communities.
The project was implemented as part of the Scouts for SDGs global initiative, thanks to the long-standing support and partnership of Alwaleed Philanthropies via the World Scout Foundation. Scouts for SDGs enables young people with skills for life and empowers them to take the lead in community development efforts to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).