Rio Declaration calls for more recognition, innovation and investment in non-formal education

Over 400 participants and organisations at the World Non-Formal Education Forum today launched a collective call to action to continue to empower millions of young people worldwide through non-formal education.
As the main outcome of the Forum, the Rio Declaration on Non-Formal Education is an ambitious action agenda capturing the ideas and inputs of stakeholders at the event to lay the foundation and define a direction for the future of non-formal education.
Together as a collective voice, the Rio Declaration calls for the recognition of the right to non-formal education, increased recognition, more innovative learning methods, greater investment, and stronger partnerships. Among the calls include a promotion of evidence-based approaches to non-formal education, more investment in technological and digital solutions, and enhanced coordination between non-formal educational stakeholders and partners.
The Rio Declaration was developed through an active and participatory process involving digital polls, focus groups, and innovation labs that took place during the three-day event.
The outcome of discussions over the course of the Forum helped assess the state of non-formal education and forged a consensus among stakeholders for actions needed to advance it as a powerful vehicle for the development of children and youth, and their role as active global citizens.
Co-convened by the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), UNICEF, UNFPA, and the Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth (OSGEY), in collaboration with the Big 6 Youth Organizations, the Forum brought together more than 400 participants from over 70 international organisations, youth organisations and UN entities from across the non-formal education sector.