World’s leading environment, peace and humanitarian organisations join global Jamboree as key partners
A number of the world’s organisations focused on sustainability, climate action, social justice, peace, health, education and humanitarian action will be joining this year’s 25th World Scout Jamboree as key partners to offer a unique learning opportunity for more than 43,000 young people and volunteers from around the world.
The World Scout Jamboree is a global event organised every four years by the World Organization of the Scout Movement in collaboration with a host National Scout Organization to offer young people a chance to camp outdoors, and experience a unique programme of activities that enable them to develop life and leadership skills to thrive in today’s modern world.

This year’s Jamboree, hosted by the Korea Scout Association in SaeManGeum, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea features key partners of World Scouting who will run exhibitions and educational activities as part of the Ban Ki-moon SDG Village.
This special space within the campsite, generously sponsored by Alwaleed Philanthropies, enables young people to learn about global issues, and get inspired to take action in their communities.

Select partners will be full-time exhibitors in the SDG Village, engaging Scouts in activities related to their mandates and expertise, such as FAO, Generation Unlimited, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, Islamic Relief Worldwide, KAICIID, UNDP, UN Environment, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNODA, UN Women, World Health Organization, WWF International, and IM Swedish Development Partner.
Other partners, including the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), Ethereum Foundation, World’s Largest Lesson, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, and the Foundation for Environmental Education, will visit the Jamboree and lead workshops and campfire dialogues with Scouts on topics such as climate change, equality, education and peace-building.

A number of high-profile special guests will also contribute to the programme and promotion of the Jamboree including: Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary-General of the United Nations; Bear Grylls, Chief Ambassador of World Scouting; His Excellency Dr. Zuhair Alharthi, Secretary General of KAICIID; Aya Miyaguchi, CEO of the Ethereum Foundation; and Daniel Schaffer, CEO of the Foundation for Environmental Education.

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