Child Protection

As the world’s largest educational youth movement, Scouts advocate for the respect, empowerment and protection of children and young people all over the globe. This is at the very core of Scouting values and philosophy! Thirty years ago, in 1989, the...

For more than 100 years, Scouts Canada has given millions of young people unique and enriching experiences towards developing important skills and values, encouraging them to be curious, adventurous, and responsible members of society.

As part of World Scouting’s ongoing commitment to child and youth protection, Secretary General Ahmad Alhendawi signed a Letter of Agreement this week with Najat Maalla M’jid, the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on...

For the next three years, UNICEF Denmark and the Danish Scout organization will join forces to advance children's rights. The first action consists of a collaboration on the development of activities for thousands of Scouts, Guides and school...

Kuala Lumpur - Cathy Morcom became the first woman to take the top job at Scouts Australia when she was made National General Manager last June. Morcom joined Scouting after two decades in some of the world's top multinationals, and is leading Scouts...

Cambodia Scouts, aiming for safe and responsible Scouting, is having their National Risk Management Workshop in Phnom Penh from 18 to 22 July 2016. With 45 participants from 25 provinces and local councils, most of them are Scout Leaders who are...

20 November marks the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, in 1959, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in 1989. Scouting has always been taking responsibility to provide children...
As we commemorate World Day Against Child Labour on 12 June, we would like to share various actions that Scouts in the Africa Region are taking to raise awareness against child labour, promote child protection as well as champion the cause of quality...

Carin Grundberg-Sandell is one of two prizewinners of Children’s Welfare Foundation Sweden’s Grand Prize for 2013. She is currently the project manager for Safe from Harm at the Guides and Scouts of Sweden. Carin was one of the key persons supporting...

Scouts around the world are joining hands together this week to strengthen global forces against the number one cause of death for young people, road accidents. Annually, over 1.2 million people die on roads in a cause that can easily be tackled with...