Scouts believe in putting nature first. We want to protect the environment that we enjoy while camping, hiking, playing, and learning in the great outdoors. In a world facing a climate crisis and alarming rates of wildlife and nature loss, Scouts are leaders in sustainability and climate action, committed to protecting, preserving and restoring our planet. We're all about creating a better, greener world and you're invited!

Become an Environmental Leader: Join the Earth Tribe
The Earth Tribe is a global community of young people who are passionate about the environment and are actively engaged as global citizens to protecting our planet.
Through Earth Tribe Challenges, young people learn how to better connect with nature, become champions for sustainability, take action to restore nature and stop climate change. Learn more about how to join this global community of environmental leaders.
Explore the Earth Tribe Challenges

Get Active with Scouts for SDGs
#Scouts4SDGs is making the world’s largest coordinated youth contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our actions are helping achieve the SDGs on climate action, sustainable communities, responsible consumption, and many more by 2030.
Learn about the Global Goals and how Scouts can contribute to this worldwide mobilisation effort for sustainability and community development.

Scout Centres of Excellence for Nature, Environment and Sustainability
These centres, known as SCENES, are special places! There are nearly 40 of them worldwide and all are protecting the natural environment and providing hands-on activities where Scouts can become environmental champions.

Earth Tribe Implementation Manual
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Guidelines for Organising Sustainable Events
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SCENES Guidelines
File download