Amra Scout group of Bangladesh Scouts sends humanitarian help to flood-affected people

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Last 6 July 2022, Bangladesh Scouts from Dhaka-based Amra Scout group extends their help to disaster-affected victims in Teota, Shivala Upazila, Manikganj in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Around 100 families were helped by this relief project led by the group’s President, the Chief National Commissioner of Bangladesh Scouts Dr. Mozammel Haque Khan, and the group’s Secretary and a member of the APR Social Impact Sub-Committee S M Ferdous.

The weather in the area is enigmatic – with unpredictable rains even with sunny weather – which makes living in the area a challenge. This makes the families filled with joy, teary-eyed even, whenever a group of people would give relief packages of food, water purification pills, vitamins, and other things to help them survive for the next few days.

This is part of their annual social work activity for the Amra Scout group. Secretary of the group, S M Ferdous, said that “Every year we help the poor in different events of social work such as educational help for the street children, help in people living in the slums and different disaster-affected people.” Aside from the relief projects, he also added that they also work with the community to improve their livelihood to help the community to be a sustainable one.

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