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This is one of the themes of the refresher course now happening at Bangladesh Scouts. Over 40 participants in Bangladesh and Nepal are taking part in a 7-day program using the framework of World Adult Resources Handbook.

Course leader Md. Kalam Azad, President of Bangladesh Scouts, planned this special training program for eight months to upgrade their trainers with new approaches in Scouting’s educational methods. Apart from the typical topics on Scouting knowledge and training skills, the event underscores the policies and initiatives of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). It integrates adult learning with relevant advocacies such as Sustainable Development Goals, environment education, information communication technology, among others.

Everyday, participants pick a theme like ’together everyone achieves more’. As a practical learning experience, they had an educational tour at a beverage factory in Mouchak for a demonstration on how the beverage is processed from the beginning until it is out from the factory to the market.

The Asia-Pacific Support Centre is fully supporting this initiative of Bangladesh Scouts from planning to completion to refresh the old-timers Leader Trainers (LT) and train the active serving Leader Trainers with recent adopted WOSM’s policies related to education methods, and in a way reinforcing one of the themes “Quality adults for quality programme”.