East African NSOs Build Capacity of Adult Leaders to Support Scouting


17 Scout Leaders from Burundi and Tanzania gathered at the Suédois Centre, Kibenga in the Burundian capital Bujumbura to take part in the Zonal Assistant Leader Trainers Course. Facilitated by Leader Trainers from Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, DR Congo and the World Scout Bureau Africa Support Centre the course aims at equipping Assistant Leader Trainers with knowledge and skills to help develop the capacities of Scout leaders to support the delivery of the youth programme in the various countries.


The main topics covered in the training include; fundamentals of Scouting, understanding World Scouting, role of adults and trainers in Scouting, leader training schemes, training methods, adult learning, learning and course management, course design and evaluation, session preparation and presentation, human relations and group dynamics, leadership theories, facilitation and time management skills, management game, counselling and stress management.


Th participants were also introduced to the WOSM Service Model that aims to provide tailored support to NSOs, the Global Support Assessment Tool for quality Scouting as well as the Safe From Harm initiative that is geared towards making Scouting a safe place for young people. In addition, the also received some tips on developing and managing quality and impactful project.