Young People as the Center of the Youth Programme. #ScoutIAR

For the understanding of the Interamerican Youth Programme Policy is needed to start in its principles:

· An updated Youth Programme.
· A relevant Youth Programme.
· A significant Youth Programme.
· Young people as the center of the programme.
· A programme for everyone.
· A proposal of an education for life.
· A programme that maintains unity in diversity.
· A programme that enables the progressive autonomy.
· A programme linked with reality.

The principle of "Young people as the center of the program", which is meant is that ours is a programme "of" young and not a programme "to" young. This means that the development and implementation of the program is based on the needs and interests of young people in general - not just young scouts - and with the active participation of them, considering them to be the principal agents of their own development so that they become autonomous, supportive, responsible and committed people.

Picture by: Zucely González, Scouts Guatemala